Yeoward at Home | At Home With… Sarah Corbett-Winder
Yeoward at Home | At Home With… Sarah Corbett-Winder
In the latest instalment of 'At Home With…' we chat to fashion stylist and wardrobe whisperer Sarah Corbett-Winder. We explore her gorgeous Edwardian family home in North London, learn about her interior influences, favourite Yeoward pieces and her personal connection to William.

WY: We know your background is fashion, however, when did you start to fall in love with interiors and has this always been a passion of yours?
SCW: I guess it was when I first moved in with my husband, Ned, 10 years ago and it sort of became my role to create our nest! I found it so rewarding as we then got to live in it. We initially decorated a flat together in Shepherds Bush, where we learnt a lot - the main thing being that we got bored quite quickly of how we decorated. So when we moved into our current family home we wanted it to be timeless and classic, basically full of stripes. I see interiors as very similar to fashion, one's wardrobe of clothes is just like one's home, I believe that every piece needs to be able to talk to each/be from the same family. I actually studied fine art before fashion and so I have always been about the overall picture for me. Fashion, art and interiors are all ways that I express myself, I see them as all under the same umbrella, and I really love that umbrella.

WY: How would you describe your personal interior design style – and where do you get your interior design inspiration from?

SCW: I would say it's earthy and stripey! Ned and my first flat was very much led by pinterest - it was very blue. I think because we were following trends too much we tired of it quickly. So when we moved to where we live now we wanted to love it forever. We are inspired by what we love. I guess I get inspired from anywhere and everywhere - people in the street, other people's house, art, fashion and even food. I am always looking at how people put things together and forever wanting to be inspired.

WY: When did you learn of William Yeoward and what does the brand mean to you?

SCW: William was a great friend of my parents. His husband Colin, helped my uncle with his house in New Zealand. I remember William's wicked sense of humour and wonderful laugh, he always filled a room with such joy. My initial introduction to the brand was when my uncle gave my husband and I the most wonderful bench by William for our wedding present. It's so timeless and classic, a piece that can fit in so many different places and always looks fab. I love the fact that all William's pieces have a twist but are original and beautiful. I feel that a home is enhanced when it's got some William Yeoward in it!

WY: You have such a recognisable style, and it translates so well to the world of interiors, what would your advice be for somebody wanting to make their interior space their own?

SCW: Do what you love. It's hard because we all see so much on the internet, Instagram and from just generally being nosey, but I would say be true to what you like. I would also say be mindful that you don't want to get bored of it. When we moved into where we live now, we used colours to theme some of the rooms, which can be really helpful and made life easier. Also don't be afraid to move things around. And most importantly have fun!

WY: Could you tell us a bit about your gorgeous home, is this your first interior project and what made you want to renovate a new home?
SCW: My husband and I moved here as our family has grown and we needed more space. I feel like ones home is never finished, I am constantly adding to it, especially adding memories! We took a long time to find our house, especially as wanted to fully renovate somewhere, so we wanted it to be in a condition that needed lots of work, we wanted to fully create our home. Our planning took along time to go through, which was a blessing as we could then really think about the layout of the house and how we were going to live in the space. As we had time we were able to do lots of planning. I remember doing 'art classes' for the different colour schemes for the rooms, there was lots of prep work. We were ready to go once we had the green light for the planning.

WY: You and your husband have a full house with 3 children and Margaret the Daschund! Could you tell us how you juggle two full-time working parents and renovating a new home?
SCW: Ned always jokes that I should have been a producer and there is a lot of production that goes on! I try and be as organised as I can. And I also really try and be in the moment, so if I have my working hat on I am focused on my work and then when I am looking after our children I am fully looking after them. It can be hard but otherwise I find myself not doing anything very well. In a nutshell I get as organised as I can and be focused on what you are doing. I also have some 'me' time each morning - I go for a swim or do some pilates, which really helps me to focus and not be too overwhelmed!

WY: Like us, you clearly love colour and iconic stripes! What are your top tips for being bold with colour?
SCW: Do what you like and what sits right with you, there are no rules, the rules are what you make them. Go for it and I think that more is always more! Also remember you can always change if it's a disaster. I actually wasn't bold enough in our children's bathroom and changed the paint colour a couple of times, and then ended up adding red striped wallpaper to give it the boldness that it needed.

WY: Do you have one room or space in the house that’s particularly special to you... Your own personal haven?
SCW: Ned and my dressing room, it's a bit of a joke that we always turn a bedroom into a wardrobe but it's my job and my passion - I think of clothes as my tools! It's very calm in there, despite there being so many clothes, which are all on display as they're like pieces of art - they should be enjoyed! Getting dressed in the morning is always such fun, it's like Ned and my time together before we dart off to our busy days.

WY: Finally, do you have a favourite Yeoward piece and why?
SCW: Can I have two? The Keste mirror and the Glendurgan Bench. Both classic and forever pieces with William's twist that I know we will love forever and I'm sure our children will too!